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pptv | Saturday 17 July 2010 - 11:42:35 |
„Orthodoxy and tolerance”
salutatory speech
of His Eminence
Plovdiv metropolitan Nikolay
His All Holiness
the Archbishop of Constantinople – New Rome and
Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew
Your All Holiness, Your
Eminences and Right Reverends, dear Governor, dear Mayor, dear guests, God
loving brothers and sisters,
In this blessed and joyful day of spiritual happiness, the delivered Divine
Liturgy enabled us to experience the joy of our God and this nice and bright
celebration of the glory of Saint Virgin Mary, who visited us through Her
miraculous image, located in the grave of Christ in the holy town of Jerusalem,
on the occasion of the temple celebration of our metropolitan church “Saint
martyr Marina”.
“Blessed is he who comes in the name of Jesus”, we sing for You – Your Holiness
and all prelates of our holy Church and guests who share the happiness of our
celebration, we are gathered here from different parts of the orthodox world in
order to send a humble prayer and praise the Lord here in the temple and on the
celebration day of Saint martyr Marina. We thank the Lord for he has built our
destinies with thought and for this blessed meeting with the high hierarch of
the Holy Ecumenical Patriarchy of Constantinople. A blessed meeting with honest
and wise prelatic host of representatives of local orthodox churches and the
Holy Synod of Bulgarian Orthodox Church. I will hardly be mistaken if I say
that for all of us orthodox prelates, who are gathered here it is a great joy
and exceptional honour to deliver together the divine liturgy led by His
Holiness the Archbishop of Constantinople and ecumenical patriarch Bartholomew.
Your All Holiness,
On behalf of the clergy and laity of Plovdiv eparchy, I would like to address
you with these words:
Welcome, Holy Bishop!
The throne of Tzarigrad-Constantinople, established by Saint Apostle Andrei,
was a mighty messenger and protector of Orthodoxy during all the centuries of
its long historical existence. Ever since the times of the first bishop
Stachius, the Church of ancient Byzantium has been supporter of the teaching of
Christ into purity and strength, although sometimes there have been attacks of
the hostile spirit against the divine service. The apostle throne of
Constantinople, through its great and holy representatives, has a remarkable
share in the elaboration and active protection of the Nikeo-Constantinople
symbol of faith, valuable treasure of the Holy Orthodox Church and evidence for
the constant apostle professing of the faith of Christ.
The apostle throne of Constantinople has hosted men who have been diligent in faith
and wisdom, luminaries of the Church of Christ. Such is Saint Gregorius, who
was participant and chair of the second ecumenical council (381) in
Constantinople. The apostle throne has also hosted the great Saint John
Chrysostom, a theologian, a wonderful preacher, sufferer for the faith of
Christ and the dignity of the Church as “a pillar of support for the Truth”.
There have been many more holy pious and educated men, who have come out of the
core of the Holy Church of Constantinople, who have bequeathed to the entire
world the values of superior theological thought, ascetic wisdom and deep
spiritual revelations. Your Holiness, being the Orthodox high hierarch, has a
place amongst the high hierarchs of Constantinople, as you have devoted your
thoughts and actions to serve righteousness, truth and peace. Selflessly
preaching love for mankind and tolerance by means of great patience for the
demanding patriarchal service.
Your All Holiness,
It seems like Plovdiv, the ancient Philipopolis, although it is not one of the
most prominent centers of the orthodox world, is a place blessed by the mercy
of the Holy Spirit. The sounds of conflicts, which have started somewhere on
the basis of belief and religion, fly by this place as something alien and
unknown. It would not be too much if we say that here in Plovdiv we not only
haven’t had any displays of religious or other intolerance, but quite the
opposite – Plovdiv has provided numerous examples of the fact that love for
mankind and solidarity between people is above any religious or other
To a great extent this refers to the bishop’s episcopacy, and we humble ones
carry its historical burden in accordance with all our strength. Not so long
ago our predecessor, the Plovdiv metropolitan of blessed memory Kiril, who was
later Bulgarian patriarch, placed himself ahead of the nation-wide movement of
church and people, which in the darkest of years of the second world war
protected our brothers, the humans which profess Judaism. Thanks to that
movement of orthodox hierarchs and the clergy and laity led by them, the
worldly authorities were not allowed to send any Jew to the camps of death, of
the ones living on the territory of any of the existing dioceses, which were
under the administrative rule of the exarchate.
Furthermore, in the years after the first world war, the former metropolitan of
Plovdiv Maxim had been providing shelter in the monasteries to human beings of
other nations, which were chased out of their homelands – and then he was once
again led by his belief that humanity is the first obligation of every orthodox
Maybe their deeds were inspired by the feat of other predecessors of ours: the
metropolitans of Plovdiv of blessed memory Paisius and Panareth, which during
the 60s of the ХІХ century used the words “Wherever the
people go – we go there as well!” and thus defended the right of their
believers in Plovdiv to praise God using their own Bulgarian language and then
paid for it with humiliation and exile. By the way, tomorrow we shall
experience the joy of praying together at the Sunday divine service in our
cathedral temple „Saint Virgin Mary”. It is precisely there, that 150 years ago
our predecessor of blessed memory Paisius saw to the commencement of the
movement, which led to the restoration of the autocephaly of Bulgarian Orthodox
Church and the recognition of Bulgarian people as independent, but integral and
equal part of the orthodox family.
Are we tolerant, because others have been tolerant towards us? No. This
question is not subject to taking and giving, of utilitarian reciprocity. We
are tolerant because we are orthodox. Because orthodoxy, being ecumenical creed
of the faith in our God Jesus Christ does not know any other state and
condition. Furthermore, the history of this city and the history of this
episcopacy represent one of the visible pieces of evidence for that.
It is a fact that Bulgarian Orthodox Church, in its millennial devoted journey
has kept the gift of the Holy Orthodox faith, pure and intact from the
temptations of centuries of vicissitudes. With this we demonstrate our dignity,
being the first-born spiritual daughter of the Holy Ecumenical Church of
Constantinople, from which streams of divinity have been drawn, and we keep
gratitude and recognition for that.
Dear brothers,
With the help of God, each of us preaches orthodoxy daily. We preach what it
is. However, many times we have reflected upon the reverse question: what
orthodoxy is not. What orthodoxy does not allow. What the history of Orthodox Church
does not include.
Orthodoxy is not a creed which would in any way tolerate violence. Regardless
whether it refers to one nation against another, or one man against another,
either physically or intellectually. The Orthodox Church has never exercised by
itself, nor has it tolerated on behalf of worldly authorities actions of
persecution, torture, not to mention killing of people because of their
difference – either in faith, nation, scientific beliefs or social and
political beliefs. There is only one historical exception which proves the
rule, and it was condemned and reproached by the majority of the orthodox
clergy at the very moment it occurred. The history of our church has always
included free discussions on theologian issues and never on religious wars. The
Orthodox Church has never measured the immortality of human soul using money as
a measure.
The Orthodox Church has never accepted nor blessed any Christian army when it
raised its sword against other Christian brothers or human beings in general
while driven by the pursuit of conquest or robbery. The museums of our
countries do not have any sacred objects, which have been stolen from other
churches. By the way, there are wars, originated by others against orthodox
people. However, any war which was started against God-loving and believing
Orthodox people in the long-run of historical perspective was lost by the ones
who provoked that war. Orthodoxy is a religion of peace, as it was said: “And
the seed whose fruit is righteousness is sown in peace by those who make peace”
(James 3, 18).
We are tolerant, because we are orthodox. If there have been any moments, when
in separate countries included in the mission of the One, Holy, Ecumenical and
Apostle Church there have been displays of intolerance, then it was always
because the respective weak, earthly figures have stepped away from orthodoxy.
If, nevertheless, there was ever a war or other abuses to originate from a
country, which called itself orthodox, then it was only in unfortunate short historical
periods, when the ruling church senate had stepped back from orthodoxy and has
been a servant to the devil. This was a worldly, not church intolerance. If the
church had any blame to take for that, it could only be regarding the fact that
the church was not diligent enough when preaching peace and truth, or for being
silent when it should have been shouting the name of Christ and for not ringing
the bell of orthodox consciousness sufficiently loud. Every time the Orthodox
Church was strong, the countries in which it was active have always enjoyed
peace and prosperity.
Orthodoxy serves its mission, by means of practicing the love bequeathed to us
by Christ. Tolerance can only be preached with love. Not from the viewpoint of
power, regardless of its nature and origin. Here is something else, which
orthodoxy is not: orthodoxy is not a creed, which can be preached by force or
be professed by force. If we notice a mistake in the teaching, we are obliged
to point it out and use our brotherly love to invite the one, who has mistaken
to make a correction. However, we never even think of imposing the truth that
we profess by force, because then it will no longer be truth. This is
something, which the Orthodox Church has never done. That is why today the Ecumenical
patriarch has no reason to apologize to anyone. The ecumenical orthodox church
does not need to justify itself to anyone. On the contrary, all of us orthodox
people are in it, because we are united by love and peace.
Why is the Orthodox Church so victorious, even though it is not aggressive? You
know that in the entire Slavic orthodox world, the celebration of the holy
equal to apostles Kiril and Methodius is celebrated with special solemnity.
This celebration was started 150 years ago right here in Bulgaria, and not only
was it in Bulgaria, but namely in the city of Plovdiv, in the Plovdiv school
for men, which is located literally next to the walls of the “Saint Virgin
Mary” cathedral temple. The work of St. St. Kiril and Methodius is indeed one
equal to apostles. It is an act inspired by the Holy Spirit, when thanks to a
titanic outburst of most great love, generosity, wisdom and – in fact – most
supreme tolerance, three hundred million people have accepted orthodoxy in
their hearts and souls. Moreover, it happened with joy, fervent prayers and
anthems in glory of the All-giving and his Son. We do not have the right to
forget that the merit for this act belongs to the ecumenical patriarchate of
Constantinople. The merit belongs to the wise, generous and tolerant
predecessors of our dear guest. This act was done in this way, and it has such
a durable success, because it is the work of orthodox people, who sincerely
profess Christ and practice his love not as scholasticism, but as a way of life
and creativity. To these people the ecumenical church is what it is: an idea
for the world peace in the name of Christ. It is not a tool for achieving
minute political goals. The joining of the Slavic world to the Orthodox Church
is the greatest work of the ecumenical patriarchate. Let all people have eyes
to see, ears to hear and mind to understand, that it is precisely the manner in
which this happened, that contains the indestructible strength of orthodoxy.
Someone may say that this is history, that the present day places new tasks and
new challenges before us. “There is no such thing” we may say. “That which is
has been already, and that which will be has already been, for God seeks what
has passed by.” (Ecl. 3, 15)” There is nothing new under the Sun of this world,
except a little more self-importance. It brings along relativism. It shakes the
foundations of the individual spirit, which is strong only in Christ. It then
brings it to hesitation. And fear. And loss of freedom.
Orthodoxy is not any of the things we have just denied above, and it is
precisely because of that fact, that orthodoxy does not know fear. It is not
conformist. It is not relativistic. It has no reason to be. This is the faith
of free people, preached with love and practiced daily by means of personal
example for justice, love for mankind and solidarity.
According to our understanding, such is the idea of Orthodoxy. The idea of the
ecumenical church, which is everywhere and shall be everywhere, as long as
there are people who profess the faith and principles left to us by Jesus
Christ, his apostles and the holy fathers of the Church. In our history and in
our traditions we sacredly preserve the memory for the feats of our
predecessors. We know that every time they have proudly raised the flag of
Jesus, they have won. Regardless of the abuses and suffering, regardless of the
time necessary to do this. And precisely because the Church shall be until the
end of days, it does not have the right to measure time using human measures.
All of us, brothers, are minute links of an ever eternal, tightly-woven chain
of the Holy Spirit. Its beginning lies in the Fiftieth day, and its end is on
Judgment day. God may allow a certain link to become weak or drop off, but he
will never allow the chain to be disintegrated. On the contrary, each weakened
link makes cohesion between the rest of them to grow even stronger. We, being a
modest successor of much more honourable hierarchs, who have kept the chain in
Plovdiv-Philipopolis, together with you and your predecessors of two thousand
years ago, we all know that we do not have the right to become weak. And we
have no intention of doing that.
In the foundations of the Bulgarian notion for the mission of the church, there
is a letter sent by Saint Patriarch Photius to his beloved spiritual son – the
Bulgarian royal prince Boris – Mihail. In that letter he says:
„Of all good deeds, the most precious one is the firm and saving direction from
God, who gives first and foremost the study of, and devotion to the pure and
virtuous Christian faith... .
You, therefore, shall stand firmly on the stone of faith, on which God has
safely placed you. You shall build your honest life and good deeds using your
virtuous faith as foundation, instead of using wood, hay, reed, substance of
sin, easily flammable and good for nothing else, but for burning... .
Because this is the preaching of the apostles, this is the preaching of
ecumenical senates, therefore it is not enough for you to think this way and
believe in this way, but you shall also lead your subordinates towards the same
true preaching, you shall direct them to the same faith and you shall not
think, that there is anything more precious than this caring and diligence”.
This decree – namely to direct our people “in the pure and virtuous faith” we
have adopted as our holy duty. And we see no possibility of diverting from this
obligation of ours.
Your All Holiness,
We, being a humble archshepherd of the eparchial church of Plovdiv, as well as
our clergy are very happy to welcome Your All Holiness and Your companions with
most sincere joy and we ask you to accept our respect and love, this gift for
our hearts, which we sincerely hand to you. Accept the true joy of our
eparchial church for the fact that you are here and keep a devotional memory of
us. We have another gift for you – a Patriarchal crown, hand-made by a nun in
the eparchy of Plovdiv.
These are the gifts that we use to show our respect and love for you. However,
we would like to assure you that there are more valuable feelings of respect
and love, which inspire our humble prayer for the health and well-being of Your
All Holiness for the glory of the Holy Ecumenical Patriarchal Throne and the
fruitful work of your colleagues. This is the contribution of our hearts and we
are convinced that you are going to accept it with reverence and blessing for
the Eparchial Church of Plovdiv and all of us.
At the end I would like to ask you to join us in sending together a prayer for
our beloved Patriarch, His Holiness Maxim, Patriarch of Bulgaria, who is not
amongst us but we are certain that he is with us in our prayers and is
thoughtfully blessing us.
Metropolitan of Plovdiv Nikolay